Writing Hopper:  Whopper.                                        January 30, 1996




This is the writing projects and to-do list, all consolidated in one place.




2/3/97: Write about what I know about:


            Individual Contribution, small groups, religion, volunteers,


            astrodynamics, radio, life frustration




Rule:  This shall not degenerate into a journal.  I already have one of those.




Books to get/read:  (that I don't already have!)


Krauss:  Antennas


Service Manual:  '96 Astro  done 7/96


Otwell '97


"Infinite in all Directions," Dysan


9/21/96 Red/Blue/Green Mars


9/21/96 Arctic Explorations




7/5/96 to put somewhere


Early Lucia




Is It Bleeding?


Is It Spurting?




Let's Go


Do you have the checkbook?






The "Next 500 Years in the Solar System project"


"Life in the Solar Nebula"


Read/watch Adventure, History of U.S., colonies, drama/dialogue




Projects, Prioritized




Hubbard Tornado to QST, submitted 2/96, rejected 3/26/96




Explain Everything Without God -> Randy Wallace -> Companion?






            early Lucia, [my response] as a difference between men and women


            Home Equity


            Credit Charge




            Why Can't You Do Everything Without A Mouse?




            Do I Have Acid Stomach Because I Live Wrong?


            Why Do I Have Self Will if the Only Right Thing is to Defeat It?


            Am I Myopic Because I Live Wrong?


            Is Living Right Worth It?


            Is There a Relationship Between Standard of Living and Spirituality?




            Heating Rocks, Another Living Alternative, but QRP is a Pain


            Interesting How People See Things:


                        "A track ran across our lower 40,


                                    there was a steam engine down there...."


            Workplace violence and JPL pocket knives


            Ones to try on CW:  Mississippi, dishwasher finished


            What ham radio is/isn't today.  What it can be.  See Phil. file


            What do people do in traffic today?  Talk on the phone!


            Up Colorado to Colorado, down Rio Grande trip


            Used to wish that exams would be only one question -all or nothing


            Back when I was first licensed, there was no digital, everybody could


                        listen to everything!


            Tons of pills, Gramma Sterling used to take in her 90s.  I rationalized


                        that bodies get more malfunctional and this is the result.


                        Now, at 40, I take five pills per day....


            The Americans preoccupied with the ease of their punishments.  After


                        all, they might slip and....


            People are like an "end triggered" oscilliscope


            Set up an institution to establish morality.... (could end up critical of church)


            (Shuttle Coverage)  "Dad, (KLD) why do you watch this?"  Oh, to see what they're doing.  (long pause) "Are you going to watch this Saturday morning?"


            (Shuttle Coverage)  "Dad, (JCD) I want to watch something that moves."  It does move, see it's changed where it is.  (Watches a while) "No it doesn't."


            How to do the laundry:  get and keep the dryer running.  Every 4 days.


            Why is there sleep?


            High School Senior Trip


            I-Ching, as a way to decide to return to church


            Joe Paul Hight, father-in-law?


            My lips touched cat lips!


            The average kinetic energy of the molecules out here is too low!


            The wild courtesy beep


            Sounds of paging formats


            "One Second Sermons" (at bedtime)  "Gaaaaaaaawd!"


            Ham radio versus cell phones - direct comparisons


            "Which one is 'E'?"  "Right after 'D.'   (playing battleship with five year old)


            3/16/96, what I don't like about Clinton/Dole.  They both run in front


                        of polls.  Polls personified are nonsense.  Neither leads.


            3/16/96  How to move a piano.


            3/26/96  Don't test the resistors until you need them


            3/26/96  3 year old motorcycle gang at CEC


            3/27/96  "never getting new animals" is like "letting hair grow out"


                        just one instance of getting or cutting negates years of abstinence


            4/13/96 The adventures of cycling, (don't quite have the right tools, etc.)


            4/13/96 Too bad "XXXX" isn't deductible.  (Home Depot, Insurance, etc.)


            5/12/96 "Fah" nannah!


            5/12/96  225 - 1 things that won't work.


            6/3/96  Honesty:  pile of blank paper, extra badge clip


            6/24/96  "Ten Minutes 'Time'" (a culture shift gripe)


            6/24/96  What if the aliens had twice the reflexes?  Wouldn't we be wiped right out?


            7/1/96  First day out of garage


            7/1/96  The vegetarian who won't eat vegetables


            7/23/96  Three reasons for ham radio:  (1) fishing, (2) physics/universe, (3) not disaster, but those equipped for camping in the wild parks are better prepared.


            7/23/96  What if people multiplied by mitosis!


            8/12/96, after 446 MHz antenna and UHF contest project, "I need to take shop"  ("needed to have")




Stories from Covenant:


            pick someone from a front row to play piano


            lost in the music - play by ear


            Hymn 202, sight reading transposition, on organ


            Plan - "no" "sit"


            4/13/96  Katherine:  All my [spending] money is tied up in the blanket.


            (Blankets for the homeless,  she's just like me, railing at every detail o fthe universe, yet giving sacrificially for things like this.)


            4/13/96  "Have you Seen Roland?"  (Other pastors prior to Good Friday service.  Charley may be the engineer here, but Roland is the Conductor.)




Rogue Topics


            Please insert a flashcard.


            wHOSE iDEA wAS tHIS?


            We arrange these words on a screen....  (computer programming)


            "Less than Air"  (don't remember what this was about)


            Glory and Foreign Travel


            Did you sell that land to Fuhrman (Brooks looked at the place Mark Fuhrman bought in Idaho, Jeff handed Tom a $5 in the Rogue internal economy)


            3/16/96 "What if God were One of Us?"  A detailed theology of




            3/16/96 My week on the SeaFloor geodesy boat.


            3/26/96 "Dad, I want to watch something that moves"  (STS coverage on NASA select


            6/25/96  Backing up to the mail server, crashing mail server


            7/1/96  The Herb Dragert story


            12/23/96          Annual Neighborhood Carolling


                                    including escrow, story, even if front page


            12/23/96          kid landing innards of ball point pen on moon


            12/23/96          Oooh Neat!  There goes a guy in a wheelchair!




Tomball Stories:




            Digging Septic Tank


            Digging power drop


            Digging 3 foot postal box hole, moved across highway


            Chasing cows in the field


            Building fences


            "The Rhombic"


            The Big Freeze


            The Bike Rides (and the not bike rides)




Stories from KXTX, channel 39, 3/16/96




            Tower Ice






            Star Trek and Rockford




Historical Stories:


            Elmer Article


            Progline - Antennas


            Snow Fort


            Snow Solitaire


            Train on the Dining Room Table


            December 27, 1968 Plane Trip


            Learning to Drive


            3/16/96, In Taylor, used to sit and play piano with the front door


                        open fantasizing that a talent scout would drive by in a


                        convertible.  Now, if I landed a job playing at First Presbyterian


                        Church of Hollywood (FPCH), right there, I'd still have no


                        chance of same.


            3/26/96, the FTC and the Senior Trip


            3/26/96, to be an astronaut


            4/13/96 "Get A Goathead"




Sci. Fi.:


            3/16/96 back of the moon is the only place left to be "disconnected"


            3/16/96 In the looking glass, What would we do if all existence were


                        what somebody "out in reality" could see?


            5/12/96  Design a Mars Flight


            5/12/96  "New Alaska," the trek to the Kuiper Belt and life there




Series:  An engineer looks at Hebrews  (see journals, '95-'96), 3/16/96


            Bascom, Wipf, secular?, Decision, Companion




Book:  "The History of Now"


            Develop another set of "standards" and write the history of today from


            that perspective.




Book:  "Is It Bleeding?"




            XX:  Making Ice


            XX:  Let's Go (getting in the car)


            XX:  Pretty Close to Hopeless


            XX:  Why Can't Every Day Be Christmas?


            XX:  How to Live Without Q-Tips


            XX:  Learning to Drive


            XX:  The Reading Pile


            XX:  Why is it More Fun to Throw the Balls Out?


            XX:  Some are here and some are there, funny things are everywhere




Background, Prioritized




Get the mail caught up on logos.


Clean off logos, mining as I go, develop a cataloguing system


            print some things, archive disk some things


Go through philosophy file.


Go through old writing file.


Clean off this computer same way (mduncan, mswork, hamstuff, etc.)


Find the old work logs -> self review


Go through all old archive disks (i.e. AMSAT mail, etc.) -> self review


Get on Internet Direct From Home, get set up to browse and e-mail, move.




Self Review, Prioritized




The old journals, some per week.


Things to have on public service besides radio and helmet:


            water, map