Appendix A.  E-Mailed Pictures


2006 August 18


These are the pictures and text I e-mailed around during the trip.



2006 July 31


Shasta out the window  (Weed, Ca)


2006 August 3

On Crater Lake


We were on the first boat tour today.  They left us on Wizard Island for a couple of hours where we hiked to the top.  The boat ramp is the only access to the water (for the public) and is at the end of a 1.1 mile, 700-foot drop hike.  After the return trip, you hike back up the hill, rather strenuous.  Reminded me of the Grand Canyon, but only about 1/10 as much.


John on the Annie Springs trail.  This is where you spend more energy swatting mosquitoes than you do climbing down and back up out of the canyon.  The bridge had washed out; this is a temporary.




The crater at the top of Wizard Island.  Note the peace sign made out of rocks in the snow at the very bottom.


John at the peace sign, for scale


The "Old Man of the Lake."  This log has been floating around since at least 1929.  On our tour, the ranger did not "leap out of the boat onto the log to prove that it would support the weight of a human."  We suspect that they haven't done this in many years.



Wizard Island as we were departing.  I was trying to get a picture of the boat wake and accidentally got the only picture of the island in good light.



2006 August 5

Mt. St. Helens, Rainier


More pictures.  The first is what I see about 90 minutes every day.



Mt. St. Helens from up close.


We hiked around for a while then went back up to the visitor center to visit the restrooms before leaving.  When we came around the corner, a little eruption had occurred.

It registered on the seismograph inside.


Mt. Rainier.                   From the freeway in Seattle


2006 August 7

Seattle.  John is 16!


John talking to Viannah just after he realized that it wasn't my phone.



Chinatown has dragons on the telephone poles.



Space Needle -- radio antenna for scale.  (not really)



Shanghai Gardens, the restaurant that was so hard to find and the aquarium inside.





2006 August 8

Turning south today.



Port Angeles.                We're now on the 101!



John standing in the rain at Cape Flattery.

The most northwest spot in the U.S. (lower 48).


 Other facilities ... nearby.




Look what else we found (about 8 p.m.).











2006 August 9

Back in Oregon, scenery, finally...

Here we are standing in the water in Long Beach, Washington to see how cold it is.


It's cold.  See below.



We're everywhere....



The bridge from Washington into Oregon is more than four miles long over the mouth of the Columbia River.



The "toothbrush" on the Astoria end.



Possibly the first real piece of unusual coastal scenery.

John looking at it.



Three wheel recumbents on the beach below, like ants.



A panorama.


The view out the hotel window in Newport, OR.  There's a lighthouse out on the point.


Before dinner we ran about a quarter mile to the water and out into the surf, about calf high (didn't take the camera).  The water, seeming to be about 40 degrees, when you stop feeling your feet, it's time to get out.  We think we were in for 3 minutes, max.










2006 August 11


On to Arcata

The remnants of the 4-pound block of ice bought in Klamath Falls a week ago Tuesday.





Sand Dunes.



A pine tree in the dunes.



The In-debt bird.



John skipping stones at the site of the Crescent City 1964 Tsunami.
















2006 August 12

John, the master bowler.


We stayed a day extra in Arcata to visit Chris Stones and not be driving so much.

Chris and his equations:

Doesn't look any different does he?


Us featured in a web movie.  Chris could probably tell you where to go look at it.  (See us in the viewfinder display?)


Chris at the controls.


John, the master bowler.



We also went to "World Trade Center" and so didn't have time to get to the laundry.  Now we're playing Cattan.






2006 August 13



The "drive through" tree ($5).    Now on Highway One.



Inside Fort Ross.




Another closed beach (plant restoration).

Testing water temperature in California.  Warmer, not warm.



















2006 August 14

Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge


This is where we stayed when we were here for the Tiger Cruise (1993).  It is right across the street from where we are now, where John stayed with choir.



This is the second time we've had the bikes out on the trip.  Had to get them out of valet parking.  That's the valet there.



The Golden Gate Bridge getting big in front of us.



An example of the main support cables.



The rules.  This is right next to a phone with a sign on it that says, "Don't jump, make the call (to the suicide hotline).  There is hope."


We rode the beginning and the end...

        ... and walked the middle.  It's pretty high.



The road into Saulsalito.  (É not San Jose)


Only in California.  (Read both signs.)




The ferry pulling in.        Many bikes on the ferry.




     Golden Gate Bridge             Alcatraz



Back at Pier 41.  That's not John, it's another kid that looks like him on a bike that looks like his.





2006 August 15

SF to Morro Bay


Half Moon Bay.  That's about 180 people per foot.




The ridge about 7 miles southeast of Half Moon Bay on King's Mountain.  Somewhere up here was where pianist William Kapell died in a plane crash October 29, 1953.  The plane was crossing over the coast about to turn north for approach to San Francisco airport when it hit this ridge in the fog.  Fog blowing over the ridge today too.



The lighthouse at Pigeon Point.  It is not open to the public because it is falling down for lack of money.  There is a youth hostel there, looks like it's in the fall zone....



Pigeon Point.



That's a whale and a spout way out at the limit of the camera range.  I have a movie too.



Hearst Castle.  Closed.







2006 August 16

Trip is over, pictures from the last day


Playing Settlers of Cattan in Motel 6, a little cramped.  I think this is the first (and only so far) time that I've won.



John leaving the water in Morro Bay.  It was "warm" enough to dive in, but not for long.  Dangerous, of course.



Federal Penitentiary at Lompoc



Launch pad at Vandenburg Air Force Base behind a locked gate and a sign that says, "no photography."



The guys at Andersen's Split Pea Soup place (Buellton) splitting peas.



The chaos at the end.



My desk waiting for me.        Still have a little ice from Klamath Falls (now 16 days old).



Eating the camp stew we didn't get to.  Oreos still packed.