2005 January 23
(posted 2005 February 19)
back to Family Night

For Family Night we went to In N Out (the new sit down one), then we
came home and worked on the puzzle and were required to say "What I
appreciate about you" about each other.  These are the results:

John about Mom, "your cooking"

Katy about Mom, "able to help me with my problems"  ("therapeutic powers')

Dad about Mom, "always wants to see the best in us"

John about Dad, "his intellectualness with JPLishness"

Katy about Dad, "his experience because I seem to be a lot like him"

Mom about Dad, "tenderness.  Does books and stuff.  I could go on and on."

Mom about Katy, "has a very kind and generous heart, is a gift to her

Dad about Katy, "boundless ambition"

John about Katy "musical talent:  piano, bass guitar, singing"

Mom about John, "still willing to be hugged and cuddled"

Dad about John, "ingeneous insights, steady character"

Katy about John, "I like how he's my little brother.  Introspective. 
One who could move and shake worlds.  He's going to be a really cool

Mom about Viannah, "Remarkable in her desire to right wrongs. 
Expressing herself in writing."

John about Viannah, "Has mother's therapeutic powers (and a similar
cloud of troubled people)."

Dad about Viannah, "Has the resolve to get up and do what needs to be
done."  [powdermilk bisquits]

Katy about Viannah, "That she's my sister.  This is a cool family.  I
have something that others will never have."

and by e-mail...

Viannah about Dad: "His patience and willingness to lend me money once in a
while. And he gives good advice."

Viannah about Mom: "Her cooking!!! And that she's the mover and the shaker in
the house and gets everyone to do everything we're supposed to do. We thank you
for it AFTER we've done it, even if we don't say it."

Viannah about John: "My little bro! He's willing to confide in me some personal
things and I'm really grateful that he believes I'm trustworthy."

Viannah about Katy: "Whee! My favourite sister in the whole wide world! She is
passionate about many things and once she figures out which one or two to focus
her time on, there'll be no stopping her -- ever. Watch out, world, she's gonna
take you by storm any day now."