Barely Works
10 MHz Reference Page
Check out Brooks Shera
solution -- might just buy it done.
- Would work with legacy software 3.80
- But not interested in the RS-232 GPS Switch Box
Investigate home brewing:
- the GPS receiver I bought from TAPR
- a 100 second 'count to a billion' correcting reference (Sep/Oct 2006
- these two counts might be programmable
- the oscillator that would be corrected
- distribution
- record and report actions so as to characterize oscillator process
(can involve a dedicated computer port)
Nominally the input would be 1 PPS and the output 10 MHz disciplined.
The box (due to its pic controller or
equivalent could have a clock LCD and serial time info option.
- Rework DSP-10-1 to take this 10 MHz from outside
- possibly switchable to current internal
- possibly bring current internal out as a switchable choice
- or even discipline it if possible
Could use a WWV receiver that outputs 1 PPS and decoded time info as
- Could start as a DSP-10 HF project.
- Then build hardware.
- or not (never)
update 2007 April 25 cbd